Upcoming Fall Programs!

Hello members and friends of the Halifax Shambhala Centre.

I am writing to you, the day before leaving on a family vacation. I hope you have been enjoy some of summers unique offerings.

September is creeping up, and I wanting to bring your attention to a variety of programs at the Halifax Shambhala Centre. If you are like me, plotting your fall commitments now and getting them on the calendar is a must!

As I have expressed previously, we are steadfast in our commitment to host programs provide opportunities for people to learn meditation, contemplative practices, the teachings of Shambhala, and provide kind spaces to practice, study, and be in community.

It would be very helpful to our preparations if you could pre register for programs you intend to take. I wanted to highlight the following that are open to everyone, with no prerequisites. We have some great new offerings, as well as some Shambhala classics!

Please click on the titles below to visit the program descriptions on our website for more information:

A heartfelt thank you for your continued support and care. I hope to see you soon. Please continue to visit our website for additional programs and practice opportunities.

With every best wish,

Executive Director
Halifax Shambhala Centre