Fall brings energy into HSC!

The Autumnal Harvest of Peace has traditionally been a time to foster closeness and community within local sanghas, with practice, fundraising and social gatherings. There have been unprecedented challenges in recent years; reports of harm, divisiveness, a pandemic, and further divisiveness after the mediation. We are heartened by how our community has stepped forward in various ways to support each other and our Centre. Your generosity, hard work, wisdom and care have made it possible for HSC to continue to provide opportunities for many people to study and practice together in person and virtually, even through this shifting landscape.

The next month here at HSC will be energetic as we are preparing for changes within the building: the Shambhala Archives lhadrang will be moving upstairs to offer a permanent display room; Kalapa Publications is coming home to the basement and SGS Finance, David MacLellan, also returns to 1084 Tower Road! We see this as the start of a new, magnetized path forward as our sangha heals, expands and transitions.

We are forming teams to promote the practice of meditation for all. We could use help: staffing the front desk at the Sunday morning meditation; monthly Sadhana of Mahamudra practice (in conjunction with KCCL); and other new initiatives. Please contact Liza with your inspirations: [email protected]

Come celebrate Fall with us!