Kalapa Centre Open House

The Kalapa Centre hosted an open house last Friday, June 19th at their new downtown location in the Sovereign Place building on Sackville Street in Halifax. Community members gathered for refreshments, conversation, and shared in the stunning view overlooking the Halifax Harbour. The Executive Director of Shambhala, Carolyn Mandelker, led a series of tours of the space, giving many attendees their first look at the new two-level location that includes the offices of Shambhala International, Centre East Media, and Kalapa Media. The 7th floor balcony, adjacent to the Sakyong’s office, offered an inspiring view, not only of the harbour and downtown area, but of the Shambhala flag flying proudly alongside the Canadian and Nova Scotian flags, signalling to all that Shambhala is alive and well in Nova Scotia.

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