Health & Well Being

MI Gathering & Refresher

The Practice & Education Circle is pleased to invite all Meditation Instructors of the Halifax area sangha to a gathering of Meditation Instructors at the Halifax Shambhala Centre.

Sunday, April 7th, 1-3 pm

If you are (or once were) authorized to offer meditation instruction in our Shambhala tradition, please join us—regardless of whether you have been serving as an MI in recent years.  

Our intention for this gathering:

  • To re-engage our MI community in the spirit of peer learning and sharing, and invite us to participate in supporting newcomers at our Centre
  • Review our understanding of offering first-time instruction in shamatha-vipashyana, including challenges that can arise in today’s context
  • Consider next steps as an MI community, including further training and mentoring, and understanding Shambhala’s Code of Conduct.


Note: Shambhala Online will offer a Continuing Education for Meditation Instructors, April 13-14, with Gaylon Ferguson and Dale Asrael. We could decide to attend these “live” video presentations in April, or review recordings at a later date.  

Each of us needs to register as an individual; this way, we have access to the course materials and recordings of live sessions.
You are welcome to request a discount on the registration page if that is helpful.  During registration, you can select the Halifax Centre and enter code: 2024CONTINUING50. Then, the Halifax Centre will receive 50% of the income generated from the registrations after the program's conclusion.

Halifax Shambhala Centre