Introductory, Buddhist Studies, Kagyü/Nyingma Advanced, Open Enrollment

Meditation: The Path Of The Buddha

"We can't really say that we are applying old methods to a new world, but only that we are living our lives fully." Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Mondays, starting September 25th to October 30th
Teachers: Richard Peisinger with India Gailey

This 5 week course is an introduction to meditation and, for seasoned practitioners, a re-awakening of the roots. We will be masterfully guided in the understanding and technique of meditation as it was presented by the Buddha himself. Each class includes a seminal video talk by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, a period of meditation, and ample time for discussion. Readings from The Path Is the Goal: A Handbook of Buddhist Meditation will accompany the course.
Mondays, starting September 25 to October 30 ~ 7pm to 9pm
Sept 25, Oct 2, Oct 16, Oct 23, Oct 30 
*no class on Thanksgiving Oct 9
Halifax Shambhala Centre, 1084 Tower Road, Halifax
COST: $50 CAD or pay what you can

Halifax Shambhala Centre